Yixiao Feng
stay hungry, stay foolish

About me

I am an undergraduate at Zhiyuan college, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, majoring in mathematics.

Since high school I've been curious about human brain. I learned about the field of computational neuroscience by chance and I fell in love with it at first glance. My current works mainly focus on neural circuit system and large-scale model. I am also interested in other topics like low-rank RNN, Bayesian inference in neural networks, dynamical property about ring attractor and strange attractor, etc. I joined Lab of Computational Neuroscience of our school in 2022. My advisor is Professor Douglas Zhou.

Besides neuroscience, my interests also lie in pure and applied mathematics, statistics, information theory, machine learning, applied physics, and all other tools to help me understand the mechanism of human brain. I also love origami, playing drums and classical music.

You can reach me via email: newtonpula@sjtu.edu.cn. From Jan 2024 on, I am an affiliate BASc student at University College London (UCL). Another email address: uclqyyf@ucl.ac.uk.

By the way, Isaac Newton is my favorite scientist, and pula is just a meaningless suffix.